DIY Cleaning

orange diy vinegar spray .jpg
  • Use this DIY Cleaning solution for different areas around your home. Vinegar based cleaning products are known for being a safer alternative for cleaning up after kids and pets. Just make sure to spot test this solution on your surfaces and always use a glass spray bottle if you add additional essential oils to the recipe.


Directions for Orange or Lemon Concentrate that can then be used for Multi Purpose Solution.

  1. Grab a clean empty glass jar with a lid.

  2. Rinse the fruit peels before placing them into the mason jar (orange or lemon peels but use separate jars).

  3. Pour in white vinegar just enough to cover the peels. *I personally used about 4oz to 6oz of white vinegar for multi purpose spray. (Its best to use this solution in a glass spray bottle).

  4. Close lid tightly and give it a small shake then place somewhere kid and pet safe.

  5. Once you found a kid and pet friendly place now its time to label it. Label the with a start and end date.

  6. If you need an extra reminder of the dates place a reminder on your phone for this diy multipurpose concentrate.

  7. Leave the peels in the jar of vinegar for a few day up to 2 weeks.

  8. Discard the peels and use the concentrate in your multi purpose cleaning solution.

  9. Use 1 part orange or lemon vinegar solution to 2 parts of water to make your own diy multi purpose spray solution. You make this solution even more powerful by adding essential oils like tea tree or lemon to help disinfection surfaces.

  10. Vinegar and Tea Tree essential oil have a very strong smell but it will fade after a few minutes or so. And always spot test surfaces!

    *Be careful when using homemade solutions please adjust this solution to your household allergy needs.


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